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Fashion Accident "Def Notez" SuperJanky 8 inch figure Janky x Superplastic Available Now - Tenacious Toys®

Fashion Accident "Def Notez" SuperJanky 8 inch figure Janky x Superplastic Available Now


Janky's SECOND EVER Fashion Accident has arrived and he's got his EYEZ on tha PRIZE 👀  Fashion Accident Def Notez is 8" of GLOWING vinyl with enough dilated peepers to see every version of the future (SPOILER ALERT: they all end in getting PHUCKD UP) 🤪 

With an emotional support paddle for swatting away FEELINGS and designer DEADphones for keeping the world on MUTE, this lil' accident is anything butt a mistake.

Previous article Sevenger Ultraman Vinyl Odyssey 9-inch Soft Vinyl Figure by Seismic Toys

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