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MAD*L Citizens Fall TTC Edition 4-inch vinyl figure by MAD x UVD Toys Available Now - Tenacious Toys®

MAD*L Citizens Fall TTC Edition 4-inch vinyl figure by MAD x UVD Toys Available Now


It's the return of the MAD*L only this time there is a new twist! The classic platform has been reimagined into a series of MAD*L Citizens with each character having its own style and attitude. The line was created by Designer Toy legend Jeremy Mad'l and produced by UVD Toys.

From the mean streets of East London, comes the TTC Exclusive MAD Citizens Fall! Designed by MAD*L and produced by UVD Toys. Sporting a TTC cap and orange camo, you won’t be able to see this new Citizens Fall hit your collection before it’s too late. BAM!

  • Size: 4"
  • Artist: Jeremy Mad'L 
  • Producer: UVD Toys
  • Articulation: Ball Joint at Neck 
  • 100 pieces made in this orange TTC Exclusive orange camo edition
Created in 2002 and first released in 2004, the MAD*L was one of the first US vinyl platform figures released in the collector market. The MAD*L Citizens continue to add to the legacy of this iconic design! UVD Toys is happy to be a part of this project!
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