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Ron English MC Supersized 7 inch figure 020 Prototype White- Crepe sole shoes Available Now - Tenacious Toys®

Ron English MC Supersized 7 inch figure 020 Prototype White- Crepe sole shoes Available Now

Prototype White- Crepe sole shoes- mold bubbles in clothes. McSupersize 7 inch original design - Possible pre - production sample or prototype. Slightly smaller than the production figures. Figure is white, with articulated head and feet with crepe sole shoes (these features were not used in any of the production figures of this line of figures that were released for sale). There are mold bubbles in the folds of the figure’s pants above the shoes, and under the right collar of the jacket indicating that it was a test shot not an item for sale. These items are sold in as-is condition. They are all good second hand condition and suitable for display and appreciation, but they are NOT mint. Each item is over a decade old and may bear small marks and blemishes in the paint or finish that are not immediately evident in the photos we've provided. 
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