Josh Mayhem DCon 2023 Left-Overs Now Up on JoshMayhem.com
Since DesignerCon 2023 Los Angeles artist and customizer Josh Mayhem has been busy preparing for two big gallery shows. Fortunately he has finally gotten a chance to list his leftover Dcon booth exclusives on his website www.JoshMayhem.
Very quantities remain so head to his site asap if you're looking to score any of the following custom art toys:
- Blown Away Dunnys - 1 Rainbow Glitter & (Pre-Order) Electric Rainbow Custom Kidrobot 3" Dunnys
- Blown Away TEQ63's - 1 Rainbow Glitter & 2 Electric Rainbow Custom 6" TEQ63's by Quiccs
- Blown Away Dunny Pendants - 3 Rainbow Glitter & 3 Electric Rainbow Custom 1.5" Kidrobot Dunnys - Includes 26" .925 Silver Round Box Chain
- Blown Away Chum Pendants - 5 Rainbow Glitter & 5 Electric Rainbow Custom 2" KAWS Chums - Includes 26" .925 Silver Round Box Chain
- Blown Away 2.5" Unicorno - 1 Rainbow Glitter Custom Tokidoki Unicornos
- Blown Away 2.5" Mermicorno - 2 Rainbow Glitter & 1 Pastel Blast Custom 2.5" Tokidoki Mermicornos
- Blown Away 5" Unicornos - 1 Rainbow Glitter & 1 Pastel Blast Custom Tokidoki 5" Unicornos
- Blown Away 5" Mermicornos - 1 Rainbow Glitter & 1 Pastel Blast Custom Tokidoki 5" Mermicornos
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