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Heartbat Catbat Custom show at NYCC Booth 1771 - Tenacious Toys®

Heartbat Catbat Custom show at NYCC Booth 1771


The Catbat is out of the bag! Tenacious Toys and Heartbat Studios have announced their Catbat Custom Show at the Tenacious Collective booth #1771 at New York Comic Con 2023.

Artetak Catbat


This show features 25 custom toys based on the Heartbat Studios 4" vinyl Catbat figure - a cat with bat wings! In this show are one-of-a-kind pieces by 20 different artists - artist names and IG handles are below:


Sugarbones - @sugarbones
Mark Nagata - @maxtoyco
Max Nagata - @maxnagataart
BearBrains - @bearbrains
Genkosha - @genkosha
Jenny Cherry - @jennycherryart
MUMBOT - @mumbot
JCORP - @jcorptm
Javier Jimenez - @javierjimenezxl
Jellykoe - @jellykoe
Elrosabel - @elrosabel
Rinicake - @rinicakez
Ophelia Toys -
Lostncreative - @lostncreative
Nightly Made - @nightlymade
Red Halftone - @redhalftone
Artetak - @artetak
ZROPRO - @zeroproductivity
Manic Lawd - @maniclawd
Rock Ink Toys - @rockinktoys
Heartbat Studio - @heartbatstudio


Customs from this show will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis starting at show open on Thursday. Rachel (aka Heartbat Studios) will be on hand at the show to meet & greet. Tenacious will also have the factory painted colorways of Catbat available for purchase alongside the one-off customs (see below):


Rules for show opening on Thursday: Customers will take a number upon arrival at the booth, and the one-off customs will be sold one per customer at the beginning of the show, with all customers welcome to take another number and get back in line after their first purchase if they wish to make additional purchases of the custom Catbats.

Nightly Made

All custom Catbats will stay inside the Tenacious glass cases until the end of the day Thursday to keep the show together, for the enjoyment of all attendees. Customers can return to the Tenacious booth beginning at 5PM Thursday to pick up their purchases (ID required).


Beginning Friday morning, there will be no limitations on purchases. Customers on Friday, Sat and Sunday may feel free to take their custom Catbats with them immediately, or leave them in the Tenacious cases for safekeeping during the day.

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