Toys on Tap Interviews Mile High Sofubi
Awesome Toys on Tap interview with Paul at Mile High Sofubi - how did it all start for Paul? Listen here! The sofubi maker himself comes on the podcast to tell us how he got to this point. How did he get...
Awesome Toys on Tap interview with Paul at Mile High Sofubi - how did it all start for Paul? Listen here! The sofubi maker himself comes on the podcast to tell us how he got to this point. How did he get...
Threezero Founder Mr. Kim Fung Wong discusses “Fishergirl and Little Sea Elf” by Chinese ink artist Zao Dao 在與早稻的合作中,threezero首次將水墨畫形式之作品製成人偶。王劍鋒先生在專訪中暢談與早稻合作的契機與經歷。 A really fascinating interview of Mr Kim Fung Wong, founder of Threezero, about translating Chinese ink artist Zao Dao's ink...